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International Community

By Pastor Victor Atallah

In the name of the one true living God, the Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit

What do the words “International Community” really mean?  The expression has been widely used by world leaders and others claiming to speak for all nations or even on behalf of all humanity. Often such claims seem ridiculous or untrue. Sometimes they are falsely used to justify actions against others, even to the point of waging wars. True “International Community” is the bringing of people together in peace and harmony. This is what Christ came to the world to accomplish. Indeed, Jesus brings people together – regardless of ethnic, religious or ideological backgrounds.

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Welcoming Muslim Converts

God has beautifully made one true believing church of people from different backgrounds. Yet, these differences often cause tensions within a fellowship. This can be painful to Muslim converts new in the faith who join a well-established congregation.

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Jesus is the One and Only Savior - The Center of Scriptures, Creation and History

By Pastor Victor Atallah

Brethren, the vision of this 5th chapter of Revelation is of the Lion-Man/Lamb of God.  It reminds us of a parallel Old Testament passage in Isaiah 59. Both passages lead to the same conclusion -- the problem of man’s sin and inability to liberate himself from its consequences required Almighty God’s initiative and personal intervention. It required a Redeemer-Mediator enjoying both full divinity and full humanity who is perfectly sinless. In Christ, the blessed second person of the Holy Trinity, complete salvation has been provided. As the Lion-Lamb, he alone in all visible and invisible existence is qualified to claim the scroll in the right hand of the one who sits on the throne. He is the only one who was worthy to take the locked-up registry of the Redeemed, because in his earthly life and ministry he alone conquered sin, the devil, the world and death.

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God’s Name In Arabic

Some have objected to the use of "Allah" by Arab Christians as a name for the God of the Bible. They reason, "But isn’t Allah a god of hate and slaughter, one whose Koran is all law, and devoid of grace?" Some also ask, "Is Islam’s Issa the same person as Jesus Christ?"

How can we faithfully bring the gospel to our Muslim friends and neighbors? They don’t understand the meaning of Christian words and actions, yet Muslim terms mean different things.

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Conversing with Three Arab Imams

Three Islamic imams sat down next to me in the middle row of four seats across on a long nine-hour flight to Indonesia. They were well dressed in the typical Arabian Peninsula white garb. Their groomed beards indicated that they were moderate, not radical Muslims. From other conversations, they knew I was fluent in both Arabic and English, but initially they assumed that I was a Muslim.

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History of MERF

The Church in the Middle East

The Evangelical churches in the Middle East were largely established by Reformed missionaries. However, in recent decades they have been influenced by different unbiblical trends, superficiality and dead spirituality. Moreover, those of the Reformed persuasion in the region lack active fellowship and cooperation with like-minded Christians elsewhere. They need encouragement from Reformed churches and believers worldwide. MERF was formed to link together the gifts of the national believers with the vision and support of the Bible-believing Reformed communities worldwide.

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Learn more about the work of MERF and its ministries through a variety of articles. These deal both with current work and the history of missions in the Middle East.


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